Excursions / Camps / Trips
At Geneva, we believe part of learning is experiencing life from different viewpoints, including students taking part in excursions, camps and trips. From Kindergarten to Year 6, students are given opportunity to go on fun and educational day outings. From Year 7 to 12, students participate in day excursions, short overnight camps and longer trips. As part of this ‘outside’ learning, the School has a campus at Interlaken. Interlaken consists of a 12 bedroom guest house (circ. 1902) situated on the shores of Lake Sorell. There is 5 hectares of bush and grassland for children to explore. The main purpose of this campus is to involve groups in fishing, canoeing, camping and hiking and being outside and enjoying God’s big wide world. The area is off the grid, so technology is not required or necessary.
The school’s Risk Assessments are available to view at the Front Office on request