

The Kindergarten at Geneva fully implements The Early Years Learning Framework. The Kindergarten programme provides an environment where the children’s needs are met, and learning capabilities are developed and enhanced through focusing on the EYLF principles, practice and learning outcomes. We build upon the societal connections already in place in their life in a positive and sensitive manner. The Geneva Reading Readiness program contributes to the implementation of the 5 outcomes. It has detailed and sequential lessons. The central ethos of the School and its personal philosophy embraces Christian worldview and faith, and is intentionally embedded in the delivery of the Kindergarten programme.


From Prep to Year 10 the Australian Curriculum is fully integrated and as part of our educational framework provides equitable and inclusive learning. Resources and programmes are sourced to enhance and maximise learning. Students are given opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding through engaging and informative lessons; individually, in small groups and as a whole class. Each term students are issued with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) developed specifically for them. The ILP is an indication of what is expected of the child for the term ahead in all areas of their learning. This ILP will also take into account their behavior, attitude and overall application to their education and school life. These plans will be sent home early in the term, one copy for parents to keep and the second copy to be signed and returned to class teacher.

YEAR 11 & 12

As students progress from high school into college (Year 11 & 12) an Individual Pathway Projection (IPP) is mapped out for them in consultation with parents and the student. These IPP’s are specifically developed to meet the students needs and future vocational pathways and can be a combination of courses or subjects through the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC), TAFE or other course providers. Students have opportunity to achieve an ATAR (The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) and/or a TCE (Tasmanian Certificate of Education).